Sunday, December 11, 2016

Guesting 1, 2, 3 ... Guesting

Have you ever known someone whose very existence is an inspiration to every person who knows them? Someone who truly understands and appreciates how precious life is? Someone whose attitude of joy and spirit of compassion lights up the hearts of everyone in his presence? I know someone who is all of those things and more, and I'm so very honored to have him as my guest blogger this evening. If his words inspire you only half as much as they do me, you'll come away from tonight's post a better person than you were before you began reading. Thank you, my dear friend, for all the life lessons you teach me. Thank you for reminding me how precious life is, how important it is to take care of those we love and that true friends never, ever give up on each other.

"I like to speak in sarcasm and generalities because one can bring a smile to another’s face and the other lessens the tension in the room. As a human race, I’m of the opinion we are entirely too high-strung for our own good. We worry about things we can’t control, like what others think about us, how much money we make, how skinny we are or how cool we seem…wait, that’s what I worry about if I let myself.

To guard against this disease of worry, I try to keep things as simple as possible. What do I care about most? The answer is family, friends and laughter (and sports and music). Now this sounds all well and good, but the downside to this way of life is a complete an utter avoidance of conflict of any kind. If this sounds familiar, you too are blessed and stricken...apologies where they are not needed and in your younger days, an almost permanent reservation in the friend zone.

I’ve always admired those people who let it all hang it out and in fact I moonlight as one of these people when I’m feeling salty. There is nothing better than when you convince yourself to do something just to do it, no matter what. I think I read somewhere that your initial instinct is usually the correct one. I’ve had a battle with my initial instinct for years. Too many times I have been burned by my gut telling me to go one direction when the correct path was just around the corner but I wasn’t patient enough to see it through.

So what’s my point? Being fearless and scared at the same time has its positives and negatives but we all have out own style, don’t we?"

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