Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stand By Me

There are times when you watch a video that changes you, inspires you, moves you ... and today I watched one that did just that. You can find it on YouTube; it's called Everyone Needs Someone to Stand By Them, and it's by John Brooks. Go find it and watch it. Trust me, it's well worth the five minutes it will take out of your day. I've watched it a dozen times, and it inspired me every time I watched it. And tonight it made me want to dance ... and so I did ... with my dogs in my living room.

I couldn't help but think about all the people who have stood by me down through the years ... family, friends, employers ... so many faithful people who have been there no matter what. People who have stood by me through all the circumstances and situations of life. People who didn't run away when things got tough. People who loved me when I was unlovable. People who cared for me when I was sick. People who cried with me and shared my sorrow. People who laughed with me until we cried. People who danced with me. People who shopped with me. People who played with me. People who were in it for the long haul ... willing and ready to stand by me.

Even as I thought of all these people who have been or currently are so dear to me, I am so grateful for the One who is the ultimate stand by me friend. God stands by me to the very end ... when I least deserve it, He never leaves my side. He never wavers, never fails, never abandons, never betrays ... He always, always, always stands by me.

Go watch the video. Get changed, inspired, moved. Get on your knees and thank Him for standing by you. Or meet Him for the first time and find out how faithful He really is. And then ... then, dance.


1 comment:

allie :^) said...

oooh, i just LOVE that you danced in your living room with your weenie dogs! :)