Sunday, August 8, 2010

God and Grammar

My oldest son has always had a thing for nicknames, and he graciously bestows them on every person and creature in his life. It would take far too long for me to even begin to give you a list of the various monikers he has blessed many of us with, but suffice it to say that his brother Brad was for many, many years known as Cletus; Meghann was christened Jiggy Bock Rock; and I received the honor of being called Larry for much of Matt's teenage years.

At work, I have found myself the recipient of a plethora of nicknames as well ... Grammar Guru, Queen of Grammar, Eagle Eyes, Momma T, and the list goes on and on. I'm a senior editor for an advertising agency, and my primary responsibility is to read every word that is written for grammar and content. While I am human and therefore not perfect, I do have a high accuracy rate and am quite the stickler for correct spelling and usage when it comes to the written word. 

Something happened today that I simply cannot explain, that has left me a bit freaked out all day, that I can find no other explanation for other than God. And having come to the conclusion that the event was indeed God, I tonight know what I have long suspected ... God is all powerful, and He most definitely has a sense of humor.

Without going into a grand amount of detail, I left during church this morning because I was experiencing some blood sugar issues. I came home, tried to get enough glucose into me to keep me in the land of the living, changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and went to bed. I know ... not the smartest thing to do, but sometimes it's either lie down or fall down, and I most often choose the first option. When I didn't show up to teach my Sunday School class, one of the gals texted me to see if I was OK. I need to say here that I always put my phone on vibrate when I am in church, and I never even thought to switch it back when I left. I never knew the text message came in and never heard the calls that buzzed my phone.

Enter the weirdness ... the freakiness ... the Godness. The gal who sent the text asking if I was OK received a text back telling her to find a specific person who has a key to my house and knows how to help me. She called her and she came in, woke me up, helped me get into dry clothes (from the cold sweat ... I stopped wetting the bed a few years ago!), and got some food into me. What's weird about that, you ask? Please allow me to explain. I never heard that text come in and didn't send the text in reply ... and, get this ...there is no record of the reply on my phone whatsoever. I even called the phone company to have them check it for me. And yet, the text is on the gal's phone just as plain as day.

As the day has worn on, I've gone from being freaked out and uncertain to believing and amazed. Today is just another much-needed and valuable lesson for me on the mighty, incredible, far-reaching power of my God, and how I so greatly underestimate that amazing power. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised that He would send the Holy Spirit ... the Helper ... to lead and guide those who are His followers. I serve a God who can do anything He chooses at any given time ... even send a text message when necessary. I speak about that power; I teach about that power; and today, I've witnessed that power in living, breathing, full-blown expression.

And God's sense of humor? The friend who sent and received the text said the reply had no caps, no spaces and no punctuation. Obviously, God cares a lot more about me than He does about grammar.

1 comment:

allie :^) said...

ANOTHER WOW POST. and you wrapped it up SO PERFECTLY, exactly perfectly, with that marvelous last paragraph. ZOWIE! :)

ok i love the nicknames. i specifically need to know about jiggy bock rock (???) and larry. plus momma t. those are priceless. mine seem kinda boring compared to matt's. Nancy Drew and Aunt Jo. But, they mean a lot to us I guess. :)

YOU ARE A PHENOMENAL WRITER. really and truly, a gift. :) keep on shining thru it. :)

and yes, i can't wait for that book! ;) will try to get caught up on reading here soon!!!!!!

much love, me. :)