Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bravery Defined

Dictionaries define bravery as a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. I define bravery on a more personal level. My dad was one of the bravest men I have known. No, he never fought in a war because he had poor eyesight. No, he never jumped into a freezing lake to save someone from drowning. No, he never stood before a criminal who held a gun to his head threatening to shoot. But my father had that quality of spirit that made him the truest embodiment of the word bravery.

He worked tirelessly to provide for his family, rising before dawn every day for 50 years to go to his job at the railroad. He came home every night and still found the energy to toss a ball with me. He donated his barbering skills to cut the hair of boys who lived in an orphanage. He dug ditches, painted walls, installed light fixtures and hammered nails. He sang in the church choir, tithed faithfully and taught Sunday School for over 40 years. You see, Daddy was there, day in and day out, doing whatever he needed to do to get the job done. He was never afraid of any task; he never gave up; he was always there.

Daddy died over a decade ago after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease, and I still think of him almost every day. I often wonder what he would think of our family now, my brother and sister, their children and their children's children, me and my own children. I know that he would enjoy being with us and that he would cherish every moment as he always did.

Though Daddy loved us all, one young man in our family held a special place in Daddy's heart, my sister's only son, Charlie. No grandfather ever loved a grandson more than Daddy loved Charlie. Daddy was more like a father to Charlie than a grandfather, and the love they shared was deep and strong.

Charlie is in Baghdad as I type this, serving the country he loves with all his heart. Charlie, this one's for you, and I know that if Daddy were here, he would join me in saying, "I'm proud of you, young man, so very proud of you. You have that 'quality of spirit' that defines bravery, integrity and strength of character."

So, stay safe while serving your country and protecting my freedom, Charlie. Know that you're loved and thought of and prayed for every day. You are your Granddad's grandson; you are the embodiment of bravery.

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