Friday, August 29, 2008

Lord, Help!

For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of becoming a writer. Over the years, I've had some articles published, written for various women's newsletters, and even sold quite a few of my poems. But my real dream has always been to write a book and see it published.

On Thursday, I received the proof copy of my first book, "Lord, Help! Here Comes Mom!" As I stood on my driveway and tore open the envelope containing the book, tears began to fill my eyes as I held my first book in my trembling hands. For a writer, it's a completely overwhelming feeling to see your words in print, complete with cover art and your photo on the back. I know this sounds silly, but to me, one of the most awesome things was to see the ISBN number on the back cover. It made the book "official" somehow, real and tangible.

As you may surmise from the title, my book is about my mother and her cross-country move to Kansas from Tennessee after selling the house she had lived in for 47 years. A pretty big deal for someone at 85 years old. The folks who have read the book say that you'll laugh and you'll cry and you'll think about elder care in a whole new way. You'll get to know a single mother, teenaged children and a feisty little lady named Louise. You'll share their lives and meet their hearts as all their lives change and grow and mesh when Granny joins their daily routine.

I've read a lot about the "Sandwich Generation," the group of Baby Boomers who still have children living at home and elderly parents who need their care as well. Many families across the country are now finding themselves in this stage of life, and they are struggling to find their way and do what is best for each family member involved. My prayer is that "Lord, Help! Here Comes Mom!" will be a light to these families and a testimony to the incredible provision God makes when we seek to follow His path for our lives.

It will be a couple of weeks before the book is available, and I'll post purchasing information then. Since I was allowed to set the price of the book, my royalties for each book are quite minimal. You see, for me, it's not about making big bucks as a writer. It's about helping another single mother who wonders how she will be able to do everything she needs to do in a day. It's about giving hope to a family who is wrestling with caring for their elderly parents and not shortchanging their children living at home. It's about sharing the miracles of God's amazing grace, love and mercy at the times we need them most.

Happy reading!

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