Sunday, January 18, 2009

Billy Goats and Tomatoes

For many years, I've thought that I would like to live in Alaska or Colorado when I retire. I just celebrated my 49th birthday on December 26th, and I've changed my mind about where I want to spend my golden years.

Winters in Kansas are often a mixed bag when it comes to weather, and this winter has been no exception. One week in early December, we had snow, freezing rain and temperatures in the 60s all within the course of 36 hours. Believe it or not, that kind of wild swing in the weather is not an unusual occurrence here, but after 19 years of living on the plains, I find that the drastic weather changes have begun to affect me more as I grow older.

Climbing out of my warm bed on a cold and snowy morning means aches and pains in my muscles and bones, and the thought of spending hours in traffic on my morning commute is not a pleasant thought at all. I find myself wishing to live in a spot that is 80 degrees year-round, perhaps near an ocean with mountains in the background.

I remember my dad talking about heaven as he aged, often mentioning that heaven for him would be a farm with ripening tomatoes and perhaps a couple of billy goats grazing on lush green grass. He never spoke of having a mansion in heaven, just a little log cabin on a few acres of land. I didn't understand when I was young why Daddy didn't dream of a large crown filled with various jewels or of a mansion built of gold, but as I have grown older, I completely understand his view of heaven. Though he had one of the truest hearts of service I've ever seen, he never wanted the "finer" things in life. He lived simply, loved tremendously and served tirelessly. He understood that things never bring happiness, but that God and his fellow man provided real and lasting contentment.

So, as the weather folks are forecasting another snowy morning, my prayer is that God would grant me a heart like Daddy had ... a heart of love, a heart of service and a heart of contentment. And maybe, just maybe, a couple of billy goats and a few tomatoes when I get to heaven.

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