Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Last Button

If I were queen of the weather universe, the temperature would be in the upper 60s to low 70s year-round. Now I know that many of you love summertime, and as far as you're concerned, anything less than 90 degrees is "chilly." Seriously, you people who think that are a few fries short of a Happy Meal in my opinion. Maybe if I lived in a place that has drier air, I might be more amenable to the warmer temps. But I don't live somewhere with dry air ... oh, no ... I live in Kansas, and on Friday the humidity was like 99.9 percent which made the 95-degree actual air temperature feel like a bazillion degrees. I only had to walk 50 or so steps to get to my car after work Friday evening, but by the time I got there, I was already dripping with sweat. The heat is bad enough but when you add in the humidity, it's simply unbearable.

I should probably stop here and throw out one of my semi-famous disclaimers before you read any further ... the weather isn't the only thing that has me steaming, and you're about to read an "it's been coming for days" opinion-laced post. I've gone back and forth for a few days over whether I should write it, but you can thank a woman in Home Depot this afternoon for pushing my very last button that sent me over the writing edge. I usually feel the need to apologize for penning a post when I'm angry or frustrated or just generally pissed off about something, but not this time. Trust me ... I am not the least bit sorry for what I'm about to type, nor will I be no matter what kind of messages and comments I may receive. So ... it's your choice ... read on or don't ... it's totally up to you.

Over the last week, I have been completely appalled by the lack of compassion that exists within our society today. Many of you may remember Baby Jessica ... the 18-month-old little girl who was trapped for 58 hours after she fell into a well while playing outside at her aunt's house back in 1987. If you're too young to remember when that happened, or you've forgotten the story, you should Google it and read about the overwhelming display of compassion that was seen worldwide throughout the ordeal. But even more, dig deeper into the story and see if you can find any commentary shaming Baby Jessica's parents or aunt for being irresponsible or not paying enough attention to the child or it being their fault that she fell into the well. Then spend a little time reading the horrifyingly damning comments that have been posted to every single social media outlet across the world toward the parents of little Lane ... the boy killed by the alligator last weekend at Disney World.

Tell me, friends ... tell me why people who once recognized and understood the importance of compassion for their fellow man in the midst of crisis and tragedy now consider it their right to condemn and crucify others in their darkest hours? When did we as a society lose our ability to rise above our individual beliefs and demonstrate respect for one another's differences? How can anyone with any semblance of conscience or decency spew hatred for the victims and families of those killed by senseless violence of any kind? Tell me, friends ... tell me why people tear each other down when they should be holding each other up ... tell me why they care more about themselves than they do about others ... tell me, friends ... tell me.

"Will you come on, Dad? God, you are so slow. I don't have all day to waste with you. I knew I never should have brought you. Walk faster or I'll leave you. Maybe you can find somebody else who'll put up with you."

Those were the words the woman in Home Depot said to her elderly father today ... those were the words that pushed my last button. And yes, I said something to the woman ... you bet I did. And yes, tears filled my eyes when the old man reached for my hand ... you bet they did. And yes, the woman told me to mind my own business ... you bet she did. And yes, I told her I was indeed minding my own business ... you bet I did. I told her I was minding the business of my heart ... I told her she should be ashamed of herself ... I told her I would give everything I own to spend this afternoon shuffling through Home Depot with my dad. 

I told the woman one more thing before she jerked her dad's hand out of mine and dragged him away. I told her the biggest regrets I have in life are all about words ... words I said and wished I hadn't ... words I didn't say and wished I had. Think before you speak ... think before you write. Put yourself in the shoes of those who are grieving ... those who are hurting ... those who are lonely ... those who are sad ... those who are different from you. Show some compassion, friends ...  someday, you may need some shown to you. 

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Well said, my friend.