Sunday, February 6, 2011

You've Got Mail

Sometimes I miss the days of letter writing. Not emailing ... real letter writing ... handwritten, heartfelt, take your time letter writing. I still have letters that my grandmother wrote to me as I was growing up. I have notes that my mom sent to me down through the years after I moved away from my hometown. I have letters and cards from friends, some whom I still see and others who have since gone to be with the Lord.

The age of technology brought with it changes in the way we do many things, necessary changes in some cases, helpful changes, changes that facilitate and make our lives easier in many ways. It seems to me, however, that some of the technological advances have caused us to be an instant gratification, hurry up and get it done, faster is better type of people. We email rather than writing by hand ... we use calculators rather than scribbling out long division ... we shop online rather than walking from store to store ... we text message rather than talking to our family and friends.

While I often bemoan and complain about the impersonal nature of emailing or texting, I've become acutely aware over the last few weeks and months that the words contained within various texts and emails I've received have served to impart a major dose of love and support to me. Family and friends alike have sent encouraging, uplifting, caring messages to me ... messages that, quite honestly, have at times been a true lifeline to me, ropes tossed my way when the seas were raging all around me and threatening to swallow me up.

As I type these words and think about the electronic mail that comes to me every day, I can't help but think about the ultimate messaging system ... the system that God created long ago to speak to me. Whether I'm hurt or tired or happy or sad or lonely or peaceful or quiet or searching or restless, God's Word is faithful and timeless and filled with instructions to guide me along the path of life. I am also struck with the convicting thought that I always view my text messages and always open my emails in a timely fashion because I want to know what the person who sent the message has to say. Yet I so often place my Bible on the shelf and read it only when my world seems to be falling apart.

Help me to listen, Lord, to listen to your voice, to hear you when you call ... "Terrie, you've got mail."


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