Thursday, July 16, 2015

Don't Shoot

My heart is heavy tonight for the people in my hometown back in Tennessee. As I'm sure most of you know, four Marines were killed today and three others were wounded when a 24-year-old young man opened fire at two different military recruiting offices in Chattanooga. The young man died today as well ... five lives lost and countless others changed forever in yet another senseless act of violence. Chattanooga isn't a large city, and as I read the news reports today, I immediately realized that the shootings took place not far from where several of my family members live or work. As I read the news reports of the shootings and the Facebook posts of my family and friends, I was reminded once again of how very precious life is and how quickly and tragically it can end.

There simply are not words to express the depth of my sorrow for the friends and families of the ones who lost their lives today ... please know there are hundreds of thousands of people across the country who are lifting you up in prayer tonight. The town where I was born and raised ... the town that will forever and always be home to me ... the town will never be the same again following the events that took place today, and that saddens me deeply for my family and friends who live there.

Please pray for the people of Chattanooga tonight, friends ... they will be faced with many difficult decisions in the next few days and their hearts will hurt as they never have before. Please pray for them ... please pray for all of the and while you're at it, get down on your knees and thank God for that breath you just drew. 

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