Monday, March 21, 2016

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

If I haven't learned anything since I first began writing this blog, it's that I never know which, if any, of my posts are going to speak to people. Sometimes after I finish writing a post I think, "Well this one stinks worse than Ollie the wiener dog's breath, and it's not going to help anyone," while at other times I think, "Whoa, dude, that's some deep stuff, and it's going to change the world." And you know what's funny? More often than not, I'm wrong on both counts. It's often the posts that I think are poorly written or lacking inspiration or totally void of any remote semblance of wisdom that cause my email inbox to overflow with messages from people telling me how much it helped them. And those posts that I think are over-the-top profound and life-changing are often the ones that leave folks shaking their heads and telling me I'm the worst writer in the history of the universe. Which brings me back to my beginning statement ... I really and truly never know which, if any, of my posts will do what I hope they will do ... help someone.

My last post, Slice and Dice, was one of those that I didn't think would do anything other than make at least a few folks chuckle at the ridiculousness of me trying to fix my faucet. I was wrong ... I was overwhelmingly wrong. I replied to the person who sent me the message you'll read in a moment and asked her permission to post her note in its entirety this evening. I felt the pain in her words as I read, perhaps because I've felt the same pain more times than I care to recount. I'm going to close tonight's post with her message, but before I do, I'd like to leave you with a couple of thoughts of my own. Though I never know which of my posts might speak to someone's heart, I sure hope tonight's is one that speaks to a whole heck of a lot of people. People who need to know that when you lie to someone and that person finds out that you lied to them, it hurts ... it hurts their heart, it wounds their soul, it damages their ability to trust and it diminishes their feelings of self-worth. I read a quote the other day that said, "The worst part of being lied to is knowing you aren't worth the truth." There's a ton of truth in that statement, friends ... a whole ton of truth indeed.

"Terrie, just want to thank you for your incredibly on point slice and dice post.

A hard situation just slapped me in the fact (yet again today) and while I WANT to have the right attitude, I am hurt and struggling. I want to be happy for someone, but when I figured out that someone else (not the beneficiary of the good thing) lied to me within that situation (at church no less), I just wanted to cry.

This isn't a misery loves company message but just a thanks from someone who appreciates honesty. Quite frankly, if the person who lied to me had just been up front, I'd have handled it much better. As it stands, I'm depressed and moping, wondering why. Why lie to me? 

After reading your post, I don't feel so alone."

Thank you for writing, friend ... thank you for sharing your soul so that it may help another.

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