Thursday, September 23, 2010

Balancing Act

One of my favorite things to do is to lie in my hammock in the back yard on a crisp fall evening when the sky is filled with fluffy clouds. You know the kind ... they look like cotton and appear to be close enough that you could reach out and pluck one right out of the sky. It never ceases to amaze me how the clouds just hang in the sky, perfectly balanced, just floating happily along.

Recently, I've had reason to gain a whole new appreciation for the necessity of balance, both physically and in the way I live my life in general. It's more than a bit interesting to me how one small misstep physically can have major implications ... a broken bone or torn muscle or cracked head. It's so important that I am steady when I go for my nightly walk ... that I pay attention as I hoof it each evening on my beloved trail, especially when J.R. the wiener dog is weaving from side to side around my feet. I've learned to watch my feet, to look down and keep my eyes locked on the path in front of and underneath me.

Just as it is important to maintain my balance on my physical walk, it is crucial that I remain steadfast and faithful in my walk with my Lord ... that I stay focused and balanced in my relationship with Christ. It's amazing to me how easily I falter in that walk at times ... how a harsh wind or strong storm, or sometimes even a slight breeze or gentle rain, can cause me to sway or wobble or stumble along. Like Peter, when I take my eyes off Jesus, that's when I get into trouble and risk loosing my footing. And just as I've learned to watch my feet as I walk on the trail, I'm learning more every day ... every hour ... every moment ... to watch Jesus, to look up with my soul and keep my eyes fixed on Him to stay balanced in my faith walk.

Keep me looking at you, Lord ... keep me watching Your will ... keep me standing on Your word. Keep me balanced, God ... keep me balanced and steady and faithful and honest and true and focused ... keep me in You and You alone.

1 comment:

allie :^) said...

i love the truth of and in these contrasts, storms or gentle rains. how TRUE these words are. it sounds sort of silly when you think of it in those opposite terms, to think that we could be capsized by a gentle spring rain. but all too often, that's all it takes to rock our our little boats. maybe its cuz we just weathered a huge storm and simply think i can't take any more rain! :) its gotta be something like that, surely. ha ha! :)