Sunday, June 1, 2014


It's interesting to me how much my thinking has changed over the last couple of years in regard to possessions ... having or getting more stuff simply doesn't matter to me any longer. I used to dream of living in a big house and driving an expensive sports car, but not anymore. Now I'm content with a roof over my head, clothes on my back and some peanut butter in my tummy. I've thought a great deal about the reason for the major shift in my idea of what constitutes enough, and I keep coming back to one event ... one dramatic and life-altering event. Two years ago, I was ready to take my own life ... getting past that time when I was sitting at my kitchen table only minutes away from carrying out my plan is what changed the way I view my possessions. Trust me ... being in the place where you believe dying is better than living will change the way you think about a lot of stuff ... a whole, whole, whole lot of stuff.

Back when I was in college, I spent a summer studying Spanish in Mexico. I have a ton of memories from that summer, many of which I'll take with me to my grave ... yep, go ahead and ponder on that one for a bit. One of the memories I can share, however, is one that involves a marble chess set. I can't remember why a marble chess set was so high on my list of items I wanted to purchase in Mexico, but it was. I spent hours and hours that summer searching for just the right one, and when I finally found it, I was one happy gal. I remember carefully wrapping the heavy marble board and individual pieces and then packing them into my suitcase. I also remember that for many years the chess set rested regally on the coffee table in my living room. That chess set was so important to me back then ... it was truly one of my most prized possessions. I think it may still be in my basement somewhere with many of the pieces broken or missing ... interesting indeed how much my thinking about what matters most to me has changed.

Brad, his buddy Jason and I have spent a great deal of time throughout the last year researching, filming, traveling, writing and interviewing ... all in preparation for telling the story of the gentleman I mentioned in my previous post. I've learned a ton about the process of movie-moving ... suffice it to say that I had absolutely no idea of what's involved in producing a film. Just setting up to film one scene is quite complicated ... again, I had no absolutely no idea. But now that we are set to launch the trailer ... now that we are set to launch the trailer ... now that we are set to launch the trailer ... holy moly ... now that we are set to launch the trailer ... I need to breathe ... I need to breathe ... I need to breathe.

The gentleman who is the subject of the documentary is without question one of the kindest souls I’ve ever met. He is brave and courageous, a noble man of character and integrity. He is generous and giving, compassionate and caring. He has overcome tremendous odds to become the man he is today ... a man who works tirelessly in his quest to help others. He is a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a grandfather ... a man whom I respect deeply ... a man who is an inspiration to so many. I am humbled and honored that he chose to allow us to tell his story ... and I am proud to call him my friend.

Ready? Set?

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