Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tech Baby

Tonight's post is simply to deliver information ... no lessons, no clever stories, no deep thoughts or musings ... my brain is exhausted and my body isn't far behind, so I'm heading to bed real soon. And yes, I know it's not that late, but I'm old ... I'm tired ... and I've got some weird bite or rash or leprosy or something on my belly that's freaking me out. Yep, that's how I roll these days ... it's such a short little hop from sane thinking to that of irrational for me now. And I've discovered that when my insane side takes over, the best thing I can do is take my medicine and go to bed.

Many of you have messaged me asking about how my son Matt and his little family are adjusting to their new lives as Canadians. They love it there (but it's not winter yet either). The kids say the people have somewhat of a pioneering spirit and are quite outdoorsy types (again I say, but it's not winter yet either). Matt either walks or bikes to work every day and insists that he will continue to do so in the winter as well (with snow tires on his bike, of course ... but ... it's not winter yet either). Becca and C.J. take long walks while Matt is at work, and they enjoy riding the bus to the library for story time each Tuesday (but it's not winter yet either). Matt has spent the last few weeks getting his research projects set up and writing a paper for submission to psychological journals for publication. He starts teaching his class in early September, a class of 120 students that meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And so far, he completely loves his job ... great co-workers, tons of awesome benefits, wonderful academic environment. Their rental house is located in a great area near many authentic ethnic restaurants and grocery stores, and, according to Matt, the most incredible indoor farmer's market in the world. The bottom line? They are very, very happy and enjoying experiencing things they never have before.

Last weekend, I got to Skype with them for the first time since they moved, and after we hung up from our computer talking, I couldn't help but think how hard it would be to not be able to see them. I couldn't help but think of families separated by great distances who don't have access to the technology that we do. C.J. is accustomed to doing the Skype thing with Becca's family, and it tickled me pink to see her little face light up when I talked to her. And yes, tears filled my eyes as she laughed and I longed to hold her in my arms and kiss her adorable baby cheeks. I was thinking this afternoon that C.J. is going to grow up knowing me through technology ... she will know how to use an iPad before she knows how to walk. She will be a tech baby for sure ... a genius tech baby, of course ... the prettiest little genius tech baby in the universe. Matt and Becca sent me a list of books they would like me to read to C.J. ... we came up with the idea of checking out the same book from our respective libraries and me reading to C.J. via Skype while they turn the pages for her as she listens. And when she's old enough, she and I will choose books together to read ... at least I hope that she'll want to read with me.

So that's it ... they are happy ... C.J. is growing like a weed, getting close to crawling, eating homemade baby food (she hates avocado, by the way and loves butternut squash), teething and finally sleeping through the night again. And me? I'm missing them like crazy and trying my best to overcome my fear of flying and plan a trip to Canada in the near future. That is, of course, providing I'm not overcome by leprosy while I sleep tonight.

Good night, friends ... sleep well. 

1 comment:

Diana said...

Oh such good news for your son Terrie! I've always wanted to visit Canada. I love their sense of humor there. My husband says they have to have a good sense of humor because of the winters there!
My granddaughter and I always read together. It's a blessing that you will still be able to do that. Technology can be a pain and a blessing!
I hope your rash goes away soon, it seems the older we get the more weird crap we get too!
Love Di ♥