Saturday, June 26, 2010

Puppy Love

I am crazy about both of my dogs, Julie and J.R., as those of you who are regular readers of this blog well know. Julie was originally Brad's dog, but when he went off to college, Julie stayed home with me in lieu of striving to earn a degree at the University of Kansas. She is a yellow lab with golden eyes that speak volumes when she gazes into my ocean blues. J.R. was a rescue dog, coming to live with me last August via a short foster placement with my son Matt and daughter-in-law Becca. He is a tween-size doxie, dark brown in color with deep brown eyes that always look just a touch sad.

Julie loves me, of that I have no doubt. But J.R.? J.R. worships me in every sense of the word. I never move that he is not by my side, often licking my legs as I walk. When I sit on the couch, Julie generally lays on the floor in front of me. But J.R.? He snuggles up next to me and lays his head on my arm or leg. Julie sleeps on the bottom of my bed, stretched out lengthwise in her own space. But J.R.? He cuddles up by my head, getting as close as he possibly can to me and usually places his front paws on my hand. Julie loves me for sure. J.R. adores me beyond measure.

Sometimes I must admit that it creeps me out just a bit the way J.R. looks at me and watches me. It's almost as if he is afraid to let me out of his sight, still a bit insecure and concerned that the good life he has could disappear if he blinks or looks away for too long. Out of all the dogs I've owned down through the years, I've never had one who loved me the way J.R. does.

Last night, J.R. and I took our nightly walk late in the night due to the extreme heat and humidity that has blanketed Kansas City for the last few days. Part of our daily walking routine involves J.R. constantly looking up at me while we stroll ... he turns his head to look upward, and, I promise, he smiles at me while doing so. It was very dark by the time we hit the trail last night, and I thought to myself ... we'll see how this goes if he can't see me. Much to my amazement, J.R. still managed to give me his loving gaze simply by the light of the almost full moon. Though he couldn't see me very well, he knew that I was there by his side, right where I was supposed to be.

With each step we took last night, I became more and more aware that God was again burning a great truth into my heart. Even when I'm walking in the dark, when I can't see Him very well, He is there ... where He is supposed to be, right by my side. As J.R. and I made our turn to head home, I thanked my Lord ... over and over ... I praised Him ... over and over ... and I looked toward the heavens ... and I smiled.

1 comment:

allie :^) said...

this was an awesome post! i'm not a dog person, but i think i like jr! :)