Thursday, January 12, 2012

Game Over

I've never cared much for watching sports on television, except for tennis ... I could watch tennis for hours. And I suppose I did watch a lot of Atlanta Braves baseball with my dad when I was young, but that was because Daddy loved the Braves and I loved Daddy. I have, however, always enjoyed playing sports, especially tennis. But I also played basketball and softball, and even my fair share of neighborhood football, too. And there was one thing I could always count on when I played sports ... eventually the game would end and invariably someone would shout, "Game over!" We might have played extra innings or tie-breakers or overtime, but the games never lasted past a certain amount of time. Sooner or later, there were winners and losers, and the game was over.

For those of you who've been following my blog recently, you've read about the anonymous person who was leaving numbers comments each time I posted an entry. And you've read about some of the irrational thoughts that were running through my mind regarding what those numbers could possibly mean. Yesterday, I figured it out ... the numbers corresponded to the number of ellipses in my posts. So today, I've wondered all day about the reason the anonymous commenter began counting how many times I used my three little dot dot dots. Perhaps he or she hates ellipses or he or she is bored and needed a diversion or he or she simply wanted to witness my irrational thinking in full bloom. Whatever the reason, now that I've guessed the significance of the numbers, it's game over.

I think life is a lot like a sporting event ... sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, and one day, the game most certainly will be over. The older I get, the more thankful I am that I don't have to worry about my stats or my batting average or my point percentage with God. He doesn't keep score of how many times I win or lose ... He cares about what's inside my heart while I play. 

You've proven yourself to be a worthy player, Anonymous ... a worthy player, indeed.

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