Friday, February 7, 2014

They Came to Make Me Smile

Today was one of those days ... you know what I mean ... one of "those" days. I woke up late (I'm pretty sure that one of my dogs kept hitting the snooze button on the alarm) ... I picked up the wrong bottle and washed my hair in dog shampoo (it made my hair extra soft, though, because it's oatmeal shampoo) ... I dropped two eggs on the floor (I hate cleaning up raw eggs) ... I couldn't find my keys (they were in the fridge ... don't ask) ... and I realized when I was halfway to work that my socks didn't match (that's what I get for not putting my laundry away and digging through the basket of socks in the dark). Add to all of those fantastic morning events the fact that I was lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut emotionally, and ... well ... I'm sure you get the picture. I had already had one of those days before I ever left my house, so it shouldn't come as a shock to you or me or anyone in the universe that I got teary several times at work today. Nah ... teary isn't the right word ... I flat out cried more than once ... trust me when I say today was one of those days.

Even though I tried my best not to, I got sadder and sadder as the day wore on, and by the time late afternoon rolled around, all I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. I was sitting at my desk praying for five o'clock to arrive when someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Hi, Terrie!" I turned to see two smiling faces ... smiling faces that immediately caused me to smile as well when I stood and hugged the two kids who were obviously quite pleased with themselves for surprising me. Work tends to slow down a bit late in the day on Fridays, so after the kids stocked up on candy (all the kids who visit our office know I'm the keeper of the candy), we spent the next 45 minutes playing basketball on my little Nerf goal. While I'd like to believe it's my cool spiky hair and sparkling personality that make all my co-workers' children flock to my desk when they visit our office, I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that I have candy AND a Nerf basketball goal.

For a few minutes, I thought I might actually stand a chance of winning our game of PIG until the young man made an incredible trick shot off the wall and swooshed the basket. He quickly became the grand champion when his sister and I failed to make the same impossible shot ... the shot that he went on to make again and again as his sister caught it on film. While both kids had awe-inspiring shooting skills, what completely captivated me as we tossed the ball toward the goal was the way the young siblings interacted with one another. The way they spoke to one another with kindness and respect ... the way they cheered one another on ... the way they laughed and smiled and had fun together. It warmed my heart to see the love those kids have for one another ... it warmed my heart in a big way. And just so you know, they treated me with kindness and respect as well ... without question, they are two of the most polite, kind and respectful kids ever.

You'll never convince me that my friend's kids coming to our office today was an accident ... not in a million years will you convince me that those kids showing up was an accident or a coincidence or a fluke or random in any way. Those kids came to the office today on a mission they had no idea they were sent to accomplish ... they came to make me smile. I believe God knew my heart was hurting today, and I believe He knew how desperately I needed to smile. I believe He knew, and I believe He sent two kids with happy giggles and open hearts to ease my pain and make me smile.

So thank you again, my friend, for sharing your awesome kids with me today ... you're doing it right with them ... so very, very right. You're teaching them to love unconditionally ... to care about other people ... to be kind and accepting ... you're teaching them the things that matter most in life. And thank you to my two favorite Nerf basketball buds ... you guys thought you were coming to our office to hang out with your mom ... but you came on a mission ... you guys came to our office on a mission to make me smile. Mission accomplished, kiddos ... mission accomplished.

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