Saturday, September 26, 2015

Perfect Timing

I'm not gonna lie, I don't feel much like writing this evening ... truthfully, I haven't felt much like writing for the last week or so. But when I don't write during a time that you, my faithful readers, know is tough for me, I get a whole bunch of messages asking me to write. A lot of you tell me that writing is good therapy for me, and for the most part that's true. But sometimes there are emotions too deep to express through words, both happy and sad alike. Sometimes my heart is all jumbled up with feelings ... feelings of happiness and pride and sadness and fear and excitement and loneliness and a gazillion other feelings and emotions all fighting against each other.

Tonight is one of those times ... one of those times when there is so much going on inside my heart it feels as though it might explode. As many of you know, tomorrow morning, my son, his girlfriend and Max the big brown dog hit the road to embark upon a new chapter in their lives ... tomorrow morning, my Braddie boy moves to Maine. Seriously, friends, my heart is pure mush tonight ... pure old, undeniable, slogged-up-like-applesauce Mom mush. Applesauce ... he used to always ask for applesauce instead of a salad when we ate at Red Lobster. Pure mush tonight, friends ... my heart is pure mush tonight for sure. 

I don't know why it still surprises me when something totally random happens with seemingly perfect timing just when I need it most. Like a couple of days ago when I received an anonymous card in the mail ... a card that couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Totally random ... completely unexpected ... out of the blue ... at exactly the right moment on exactly the right day ... perfect timing in a perfectly random way.

To the sender ... thank you ... thank you from the bottom of my all-jumbled-up mama's heart ... thank you.

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