Saturday, April 9, 2011

Are We There Yet?

Down through the years, my children and I have made several long road trips as a family. In fact, I was wondering not long ago just how many times we traveled to and from Tennessee and Colorado in the car together, and how many of those excursions included one or more dogs as passengers along with the four of us. The passage of time has seen various automobiles come and go, my children all leave the nest and establish their own homes, old dogs pass away and new dogs join the pack. The memories that were made as we journeyed down the road together, however, will remain etched in my mind as long as I live.

Recalling countless games of "I Spy" or "The License Plate Search" or "I Never" always brings a smile to my face. Meghann pouting if she didn't win, Bradley cheating to ensure that he did win, and Matthew forever and always pretending not to care either way (he had to be, after all, the cooler older brother), arguments over whose turn it was to ride "shotgun" in the front seat, eating at fast-food restaurants and stopping at rest areas, allowing the kids to take their turn at driving on the highway as they each were old enough, hours of conversation that were worth more than gold to me ... all sweet memories to this old gal ... sweet, sweet memories.

For all the words that were uttered during those many hours on the highway, two particular questions that were always posed by one or more of my children have been brought back to my mind in recent weeks. Sometimes it was early on in our drive ... sometimes midway ... lots and lots of times it was as we neared our destination. "Mom, are we there yet?" and more often than not followed by, "How much longer?"

I've done a little bit of volunteering at a local nursing home in recent weeks, and one evening last week, I completed my official volunteer orientation so that I can begin serving on a more regular basis. Each time I leave the nursing home, I feel that I am the one who is most blessed by my time there. And each time I leave, I wonder if I will be as gracious and kind as some of the residents I have met when I reach my elder years. As I drove home from my orientation Tuesday night, I began to think about the questions my children would ask as we traveled ... and I thought about the elderly people I had just seen. And I wondered ... do they ever ask God ... "Am I there yet, God? How much longer?" Tears filled my eyes as I thought of how many times I've asked God those two questions in recent months.

Walking into my house and greeting my dogs, it struck me that I will never "be there yet" until I get to heaven ... until I am made perfect in my eternal home. My "How much longer?" question has but one answer ... the work that God is doing in me, as hard and long and difficult as it may seem to me ... that work will be complete in His time and according to His will. And what He asks of me in the meantime? To wait on Him ... to be patient ... to have faith ... to not give in or give up ... to trust His plan, His timing, His love.

I know that You love me, Father ... and I know that I love You. Help me to be patient as I wait, Lord ... to trust You ... to hold on to You ... to believe that You will get me where You want me to be when You want me to be there.

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