Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vegas, Baby

I'm not sure why, or if I'm the only mom who does, but when my kids are embarking on some grand adventure in their lives, I head down memory lane and think of them when they were little. Like when Meghann began her job as a para professional in the school district, I thought of the countless times she lined up all of her dolls and taught them in "school." Or like when Matt first went to China as a presenter with a group of professors, I thought of how he used to love to dress up in a suit and tie and pretend he was a businessman. Or like today when Bradley landed in Las Vegas and texted me that he was safe, I thought of his first plane ride when he was three years old ... pacie in his mouth, blankie in his hand and little fireman backpack on his shoulders. And yep, the tears are flowing as I'm typing.

Tomorrow morning, my little pacie, blankie, backpack baby boy will strap a camera on his helmet and bungee jump at the Grand Canyon. Am I nervous for him? Of course I am. Am I excited for this awesome opportunity for him? Of course I am. Will I feel better when I know his big boy feet are back in Lawrence, Kansas, safe and sound? Of course I will. Bradley is a senior in film school, and I have a feeling that this adventurous shoot is only the first of many to come for my son. This particular one is for a commercial for a crime scene investigation company, a stepping stone on his way to becoming the next Spielberg.

As I sit here tonight, I'm struck with the places my children are in their lives ... Matt is just an internship away from receiving his Ph.D; Brad is ... well, you know what Brad is doing; and in less than six weeks, Meghann will get married and become a pastor's wife. I am also struck with how quickly the years have flown by ... how it seems like only yesterday that I was dressing the three of them in color-coordinated sailor outfits (which they still hold a grudge about, I might add). And even though they are each accomplished young adults in their own right, no matter how old they are or where they may go in life, they will forever be my kiddos and I will forever be their mom. And in some ways, they will always be little boys and a little girl to me, always.

I can't help but wonder tonight if God sometimes sees me the same way I see my own children ... all grown up and yet still such a child to Him. And I'm thankful ... so very thankful ... that I will always be His daughter, and He will forever be my Father.

So be safe tomorrow, my all grown-up little Bradley ... and know that I love you and always will.


Shasty said...

W o I know he'll have a grand
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adventure! Take pride that you have done well with what God has entrusted you with.

allie :^) said...

i've had thot's similar to these. can we say again great minds think alike? :)