Friday, July 1, 2011

Yep, I Did

Woke up before the alarm went off. Dogs licked my face and feet. Prayed. Got up. Let the dogs go outside. Brought the dogs back inside. Fed the dogs. Checked my blood sugar. Ate some almond butter. Let Ollie go outside again. Drank some water. Took a shower. Shaved my legs. Dried my hair. Put on makeup. Put goop in my hair. Put ice on my shoulder. Read my Bible. Turned on my laptop. Let Ollie go outside again. Brought Ollie back in the house. Checked my email. Cooked breakfast. Made coffee. Ate breakfast. Took meds. Turned off my laptop. Talked on the phone. Got dressed. Let Ollie and Julie go outside. Brought Julie and Ollie inside. Gave the dogs a treat. Got in my car. Drove to work. Sang in the car. Prayed in the car. Walked to my desk. Turned on my computer. Checked my email. Went to a meeting. Edited some ads. Made some copies. Ate some blueberries. Edited some more ads. Did my time sheet. Talked to my boss. Edited another ad. Checked my email again. Turned off my computer. Office closed at noon. Got in my really hot black car. Talked to Brad on the phone. Drove to the tattoo place. Talked to the tattoo man. Went to the post office. Ate a protein bar. Went to the grocery store. Loaded the groceries into the car. Got back in my really hot black car. Drove home. Unloaded the groceries. Let the dogs go outside. Watched the dogs run and run and run. Brought the dogs inside. Ate lunch. Took meds. Put seasoning on the steak. Put the steak in the fridge. Sliced up yellow squash and zucchini. Put the squash in the fridge. Watched the dogs play with a sock. Drank some water. Put ice on my shoulder. Read my Bible. Fell asleep on the couch with the dogs. Woke up. Ate sugar-free pudding. Got another phone call. Let the dogs go outside. Watched the dogs chase a squirrel. Pulled some weeds. Got the mail. Brought the dogs back in. Called the tattoo man. Checked my blood sugar. Ate some more almond butter. Did some cleaning. Put ice on my shoulder. Turned on my laptop. Checked my email. Started writing this blog post. Waited on my friend from Tennessee to arrive. Watched the news. Jumped when the dogs barked at the doorbell. Got sad when it was a salesman. Waited on my friend. Tried to think of something profound to write. Came up with nothing. Put ice on my shoulder. Waited on my friend. Drank some tea. Appreciated air conditioning. Let the dogs go outside. Sat on the deck. Prayed. Got hot. Called the dogs and came inside. Wrote some more. Waited on my friend. Answered the phone. Turned on the gas for the grill. Lit the grill. Grilled the squash and steak. Opened the front door when the doorbell rang. Hugged my friend. Cried like a baby. Showed her where the bathroom is. Let the dogs go outside. Brought the dogs inside. Hugged my friend again. Ate dinner. Took meds. Watched my friend drink some wine. Talked to my friend. Cleaned up the dishes. Put ice on my shoulder. Talked some more. Changed clothes. Took my friend for a walk on my trail. Sweated. Cried. Smiled. Came home and drank a lot of water. Ate some sugar-free Jello and Cool Whip. Let the dogs go outside. Brought the dogs back in. Waited for my friend to get out of the shower. Wrote some more. Took another shower. Put on clean clothes. Got another hug from my friend. Watched her drink some more wine. Listened to my friend's southern accent. Smiled again. Checked my blood sugar. Ate some cheese. Put ice on my shoulder. Watched my friend eat some candy. Watched the dogs sleeping. Wished I could eat a piece of cheesecake. Talked about home. Reminisced about the old days. Cried. Watched my friend cry. Drank some more tea. Let the dogs go outside. Watched my friend play Frisbee with Julie. Came back inside. Appreciated air conditioning again. Talked about our parents. Cried some more. Got sleepy. Checked my blood sugar. Ate some more cheese. Said goodnight to my friend. Got another hug. Put on my pajamas. Climbed into bed. Read my Bible. Prayed. Finished this blog.

Had a good day.

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