Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Side by Side

There are certain statements that come from the mouths of teenagers that can send chills down a mother's spine. Those of you who are moms who either had or currently have teens in your homes know the types of statements I'm referring to ... "I wrecked the car" ... "I'm failing English" ... "He (referring to his younger brother) was here when I left" ... "That money was for food?" ... or one of my all-time favorites ... "Mom, don't be mad." I look back on the years of raising three children alone and I marvel at the fact that the four of us managed to live through all the "stuff" that we encountered along the way. I know now that the only way I made it as a single mom was because of God's grace and mercy ... and, of course, more than my share of Starbucks cafe vanilla frappuccinos. I miss those, by the way, in case you haven't gleaned that little tidbit from reading my posts. But, as usual, I digress ... back to the subject at hand.

Around six years ago, I came home one evening and was met by Brad at the door leading from the garage to the kitchen. As soon as I got out of the car, he said, "Mom, don't be mad," ... not good first words to hear after a stressful day at work and a long commute home in the car. "Oh, Brad," I started to say when he interrupted with "Wait until you see what she can do, Mom." You see, Brad and Meghann had taken me a couple of times to see a yellow Lab at the shelter near our home and I knew when I got out of the car and saw Brad in the doorway that I had lost the fight over getting another dog. Hence, after watching her catch sticks and then tennis balls and then a Frisbee and bring them back and drop them at Brad's feet, Julie the Lab became part of our family.

It became evident very quickly that Julie was Brad's dog ... she adored him. She slept in his bed. She sat in his lap. She wrestled with him on the floor. She rode in his Jeep. She went to the dog park with him. She ate his food. No, really, she did eat his food every chance she got. She seriously loved Brad. When Brad moved out to go to college, the apartment complex he chose to live in didn't allow pets so Julie stayed home with me. Not very happily, I might add ... she missed her boy in a big way for a long time. But then, all of a sudden, Julie decided life with this old gray-haired gal wasn't so bad and began to transfer some of that Brad adoration to me. After all, I was the one filling her food bowl every day and tossing the Frisbee with her each evening. I suppose she decided she might as well love me since she was stuck with me.

That was a little over four years ago, and recently I've come to realize just how deeply my big hound dog loves me and how in tune she is with my daily routines. Perhaps I'm just more aware in this season of my life what true unselfish love really means, the importance of sticking with someone through thick or thin, the soul-touching power of a hug, the loyalty and devotion present in a paw on my knee. Last night as I trudged upstairs to walk on the treadmill, it struck me that Julie walked right by my side as I climbed the stairs ... just as she does every single time I walk those stairs. In fact, it struck me in a big way that Julie is always by my side when I am home; no matter where I am, she is always with me. When I go into the kitchen, Julie comes in and lays on the rug in front of the sink. When I sit on the couch and type on my laptop, she places her head on my leg. When I lay in the hammock in the backyard, she climbs in with me. When I'm cleaning in my room, she finds a spot on my bed and watches me. When I am sick, she faithfully sits by my side. And when I'm walking on the treadmill, she stretches out next to it and patiently waits for me to finish.

I know that God teaches me life lessons through my furry friends ... I know that He does. And as I looked at Julie resting and waiting for me next to the treadmill, I knew that He was again whispering a lesson. "I am always with you, Terrie ... I will never leave you or forget you or forsake you ... I am ever loyal and true and patient and faithful ... I love you unconditionally and unfailingly ... for now in this temporary life on earth and for all eternity ... I am here ... I am here ... I am here."

Thank you, Lord ... thank you.

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