Monday, September 23, 2013

Move Over Brad ... It's My Turn to Rant

I've written previously about how my son Brad gets ... well ... rather passionate from time to time about certain subjects. And when it's something that he's especially worked up about, he often launches into what we in our family lovingly term "a Brad rant." Now lest you think otherwise, Brad isn't usually angry when he rants; in fact, more often than not, he isn't angry at all when he rants. What he is, however, is passionate about what he perceives to be an injustice or hate or blatant disregard of the importance of a certain matter or situation. And here's my disclaimer for tonight's post: I am going to rant, and I'm going to rant about something that has been gnawing away at me for a while. That's one of the differences between me and Brad, you see, he speaks his mind much more freely and quickly about certain things than I do. In sort of a gross analogy ... he pops the zit right away, and I let it fester. So ... if you don't want to read tonight's post, don't read it. If you do decide to read it, please know that I'm writing from my aching heart and not from a place of anger. OK ... maybe I'm a little bit angry ... I'll admit it. But I think this is one time that my anger is justified ... you bet I think it is.

When I was growing up, my parents taught me some basic tenants as to how I should treat other people ... tenants that I hope I taught my children as well ... tenants that I try to live out every single day ... at least I am now anyway. Let me list a few of them for you:

Don't be rude to anyone ... ever.
Listen when other people are talking.
Don't interrupt unless it's an emergency.
Be respectful to your elders ... be respectful to your juniors ... be respectful to everyone.
Be kind to everyone you meet.
Tell the truth even when it's difficult.
Make time to play and have fun.
Keep your promises.
Honor your word.
Be helpful whenever possible.
Go the extra mile without being asked or told to.
Always buy something from the kid who is selling stuff for his or her school.
Don't be judgmental.
Stand up for those who are weak.
Don't be a bully.
Say please and thank you.
Give good candy on Halloween.
Show appreciation for what others do.
Don't play favorites.
Never ever think you are better than anyone else.
Speak with kindness, and remember that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
And above all else ... love unconditionally.

I'm sure that each of you could add to my list, and there are more things I could place on it as well. In fact, perhaps my tenants list should be considered to be a work in progress ... one that I add to as I grow older and hopefully wiser on this journey of life. 

So what am I angry about, you ask? What do I feel the need to rant about? Well, here it is ... I struggle enough as it is to feel like I'm equal to everyone else ... I've struggled with feeling like I don't fit in my entire life. I honestly don't need any help or input from anyone on that issue, friends ... I don't need one ounce of help when it comes to being hard on myself. I know I'm not as smart as a lot of people. I know I'm not beautiful. I know I'm not a mover and shaker in the business world. I know I'm not rich. I know I don't know or understand anything about fashion. I know I'm not a leader in the community. I know I'm not as good or as pretty or as intelligent or as classy or as whatever trait you'd like to add as a ton of people ... I know all those things, and I've known them my whole life. And you know what else? I'm not the only person who has those thoughts or who struggles with feeling so very inadequate or so far below everyone else ... my guess is that some of you who are reading this post feel exactly the same way. And while I can't speak for those who share my never measuring up struggle, I can speak for myself when I write the following words. It only makes that struggle a million times worse when someone is condescending in their language to me ... when someone is blatantly rude to me ... when someone treats me with such disrespect that it causes me to weep ... when someone speaks badly about me and I overhear them.

I don't care who you are or what you do for a living or where you live or what church you go to or if you don't go to church at all or how you chew your food or what kind of clothes and shoes you wear or any of a plethora of other things ... every single person deserves to be treated with respect and honor and dignity and kindness and appreciated simply for being who they are. Period. Period. Period. Let me say that again in case you didn't get it the first time ... every single person deserves to be treated with respect and honor and dignity and kindness and appreciated simply for being who they are. No matter what. Period. Period. Period. You don't know and I don't know and no one knows what is going on in a person's life, and every single person deserves to be treated with respect and honor and dignity and kindness and appreciated simply for being who they are. And yes, I know I said that a lot ... if I had my way, those words would be tattooed on everyone as a permanent reminder of how our actions affect other people.

So what's the lesson I hope and pray I've learned? The lesson I hope and pray I always remember? I hope and pray that I have learned to never ever ever ever treat anyone as though they are less than me ... I hope and pray that I have learned to be kind to every single person I meet and even kinder to those I already know ... I hope and pray that I have learned to see others with a heart of respect and honor and love.

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