Sunday, September 22, 2013

One Fine Day

The weather in Kansas City for the last few days has been as close to perfect as weather in Kansas City can be in the fall ... crisp chilly nights and cool clear days. In case I haven't said it like a gazillion times already, fall is absolutely my favorite season of the year. It was so beautiful here today, in fact, that Ollie the wiener dog and I took two long walks today ... one this morning and one this evening as well. The sun was setting as we walked along the sidewalk tonight, and I watched in wonder at the beauty of the sky above me. It was ... well ... it was complete perfection. I was struck by that realization as Ollie and I turned to head home, and I began to think about the good and perfect days in life ... I began to think about how those kinds of days have been so very elusive to me over the last couple of years. And then I thought about last Saturday when I drove to Meghann's, and we went to her favorite running store to buy shoes together. And I thought about last Sunday when I was Skyping with Matt, Becca and Coraline, and she escaped as they were getting her ready for bed and ran into another room and pooped on the floor. And I thought about yesterday and taking a road trip to Nebraska with Brad and his friend Jason. Those days were good days ... days that were filled with moments of perfection because they were filled with moments spent with the people I love most in this world.

While shopping for shoes with Meghann and my sweet granddaughter pooping on the floor deserve their own posts dedicated specifically to those events, tonight I want to touch on the adventure that took place yesterday. I say touch on the adventure because I am really tired tonight and desperately need to try and get some sleep before I go back to work tomorrow. My day yesterday began at 4:30 a.m. and ended around 1 a.m. this morning, so again I say, I'm really tired tonight and need to get to bed soon. But as is true for many writers, I also know that should I turn in without putting at least a couple of the thoughts that are pounding in my brain on paper (or computer as the case may be), I wouldn't be able to go to sleep anyway.

Brad, Jason and I are working together on a full-length documentary, and yesterday we drove to Omaha, Nebraska, to film an interview with the gentleman who is the subject of the film. Brad is ever the artist when it comes to his film projects, so after having lunch with our main character in the documentary, we all climbed into my car and drove an hour and a half into the country to the old, abandoned church where Brad had decided the filming should take place. Though I wasn't thrilled about spending more time in the car, Brad was completely correct in his choice for our shooting location ... the old church was the perfect, absolutely perfect, venue for the on-camera interview. And I must confess that I was more than a little overwhelmed by how powerfully moved I was by it all ... the church, the man, my son.

It's true that I've had some pretty cruddy days throughout the course of my life, but I've had a ton of really great days, too. And yesterday? Well, yesterday was one fine day, friends ... yesterday was one fine day indeed. 

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