Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plain Old Fun

This morning at church, our youth minister's oldest daughter ran up to me and said, "What do we call the slide?" And I replied in my loudest, most frightened voice, "Freaky!" She laughed heartily and went on her way. A few minutes later, another young girl came running up to me, grabbed me around the waist and gave me a giant hug, telling me how much fun she had walking one of my son's wiener dogs on Friday night. Little did those girls know that they did their part today in lifting my spirits and bringing me some unanticipated joy on a gray and cool Sunday morning.

I've recently had the blessing of spending time with some younger children, and I do mean blessing. It's been a while since I had the opportunity to hang out with kiddos, and quite honestly, I had forgotten how truly fun they are. A couple of Saturdays ago, I spent some time on the church playground with four children ... swinging, blowing dandelions, hunting dragons in a castle, and yes, even going down the "freaky" slide. And over the last few weeks, I've gone on walks with some young children, watched them eat dessert, hidden Easter eggs and played a very fun word game. All of those unexpected encounters have been ... well ... just plain old fun for me.

There is something so healing in the smile or laughter of a child, something so warm and tender when a child places their hand in mine or wraps their arms around me in a hug, something so trusting when a child leans their head in close to mine as we talk about their favorite candy bar or game or subject in school. There is something so precious about the innocence, honesty and love that exists in the heart of a child.

As I drove away from church this morning, I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the children who are now part of my life. And as I thanked God for placing them there, I couldn't help but think of my own relationship with my heavenly Father ... of how He desires that I run to Him, place my hand in His, lean my head in close to Him and talk. I couldn't help but think how sad He must be when I turn away, walk my own way, shut Him out of my life.

So, here's to princesses in castles, freaky slides, wiener dog walks, game playing, hugs, high-fives and plain old fun. And here's to walking hand-in-hand with my Lord, trusting completely in His love and resting in His grace and mercy. I think I'll hang on tightly ... my guess is it's gonna be an incredible ride.

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