Sunday, May 15, 2016

Filling in the Blanks, Yo

Last week, Ollie the wiener dog and I shared our humble little abode with a most polite and conscientious house guest. She didn't complain one single time about one single thing during the time she was with us. She didn't nag me to wash the dishes or pick up my dirty clothes or mow the yard. She didn't do anything to piss me off or to upset me in any way. She didn't criticize the clothes I wore or how my hair was styled. She wasn't whiny or demanding or pushy or clingy. She did, however, listen to me without judgment. She was overjoyed to see me when I came home and she appreciated every moment we spent together. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. She made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. She walked with Ollie and I each evening and kissed me goodbye each morning when I left for work. She slept next to me and reminded me once again how important it is to be thankful for the simple things in life. She's beautiful and funny and smart ... she's really perfect in every way, and I've missed the heck out of her since she left yesterday.

Based on the preceding description of my lovely house guest, it sure seems as though I've finally met the woman of my dreams. Some of you are planning out your congratulatory notes and wondering what you'll be wearing to my wedding, while others of you are contemplating what you'll add to your normal "You're an abomination and will burn in hell for all eternity" messages that you send me on a weekly basis. The funny thing to me is that whether you count yourself among the "it's party time" group or the "she's gonna burn" group, you're all part of the same group ... the "filling in the blanks" group. Now lest you misunderstand and think that I'm labeling you, I most assuredly am not. I openly confess that there are most assuredly times when I do the very same thing ... times when I don't have all the information and I'm quickly filling in the blanks.

Perhaps it's just human nature, you know? Perhaps there is something within us that forces our minds to fill in the blanks ... to create our own version of reality even though we're often wrong more than we're right. Well, at least I am anyway, especially if the blanks I'm filling in make me the bad guy in the story. Whether it's the result of human nature or unquenchable curiosity or lack of self-esteem, I'm thinking there's way too much of negative filling in the blanks and way too little of assuming those blanks are placeholders for something amazingly good. That's important when the blanks to be filled in are in regard to a set of circumstances or an event or situation, yes ... but it's so very, very important when those blanks are in regard to a person.

I've obviously given the filling in the blanks dilemma a great deal of thought, and here's the thing ... if we're truly open, honest, real and transparent with each other, then there shouldn't be any blanks to fill in. But since it's unrealistic (and maybe even a little bit insane) to believe that everyone really will be ... open, honest, real and transparent, that is ... then we need to do everything we can to ensure we're filling in the blanks by assuming the good rather the bad. We really are on this journey together, friends ... what's say we give each other the benefit of the doubt? What a better world we would have if we did that one small thing ... what a better world indeed.

And my beautiful, well-mannered, perfect in every way house guest? Her name is Tashi, and she's a princess from Germany ... I'm not kidding, she really comes from a royal bloodline in Germany. She has black and white hair that she sometimes wears in a pony tail, and she will never ever kiss and tell. Oh, and just because I don't want you to get stuck in an endless loop of filling in the blanks that will keep you awake all night, Tashi is a dog.  

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