Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blood, Sweat and Tears

Both of my sons spent several years when they were in junior high and high school working for a dear couple who owned a well-known specialty gift store here in town. They worked in the store from time to time, but they mainly worked at the couple's home doing landscaping work in their massive yard. Brad tolerated the yard work because he wanted to earn money ... Matt earned money because he loved the yard work. The lady, Ruth, taught Matt a ton about flowers and plants and designing and landscaping, and to this day, my oldest son loves flowers and landscaping and can't wait to have his own yard one day. And I can guarantee you that when he and Becca buy a home, they'll have the most beautiful yard in the whole neighborhood. Brad ... I love him to pieces, but he may never want his own home just so that he doesn't have to do yard work.

It was gorgeous here in Kansas City today ... and today my sons and daughter-in-law came to spruce up my yard before my family from Tennessee arrives for Meghann's wedding in three weeks. What began as me thinking they could mow and spread some mulch turned into several hours of digging, laying landscaping fabric to keep the weeds from growing, planting flowers, removing dead shrubbery and replacing it with new ... and mowing and spreading mulch. The three of them ... Matt, Becca and Brad ... worked tirelessly to get everything done, and the yard and my deck look beautiful.

My achy shoulder dictated that I sit and watch for most of the day, and as I sat on the deck and listened to the three of them laughing and talking, I couldn't help but think of how close my two sons are now. They are brothers by blood, but they are friends by choice. They are completely different young men, but they respect the differences between them and they love each other deeply. They've seen some rough patches down through the years, and yet, they always came back together ... with an even stronger bond and deeper love. And Becca ... not only is she the perfect match for Matt, she's become more than a sister-in-law to Brad, she's his friend, too, and they've forged a deep bond together as well.

As I went for a walk tonight, I thanked God for the bond of blood between my sons and their sister Meghann. I prayed for strong relationships between the three of them, for deep love that will keep them close throughout their lives. My own brother and sister are coming for Meg's wedding ... and I'm very much aware that we are the only remaining members of the family that once included Mom, Dad and my brother Jerry. We've had to work at staying in touch since we live a great distance from each other, but the bond of blood and the love between us has kept us close. I prayed that for my three children tonight ... that they will love each other, be there for each other, keep in touch with each other wherever life may take them or whatever life may bring. As happens so very often out on my beloved trail, the tears that filled my eyes splashed on the pavement below me as I made my way toward home.

The bond of brotherly blood, the sweat of hard work, the tears of a grateful mom. Blood ... sweat ... and tears.

1 comment:

Shasty said...

I love this blog. I think of my siblings and the bond we have and how each one is a little different. Your kiddos are blessed with a great mamma! Happy Mother's Day!