Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rudolph's Red Nose

Yes, I'm aware that it is May and not December, and yes, this post involves the famous television classic, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. I've always loved Christmas stories, and Rudolph will forever be one of my favorites. I can remember laying on the floor on a giant red and black pillow in front of a roaring fire in Mom and Dad's basement watching little Rudolph and his glowing red nose. And when I had children of my own, the tradition of Rudolph watching was carried on and passed along to my kiddos.

I'm quite certain that most of you who are reading know the story of Rudolph, but just in case ... Rudolph is a lovable little reindeer who is teased and ridiculed because his nose is different than all the other little reindeer noses. He's treated as an outcast, and runs away from home feeling as though he will never fit in or be part of the reindeer clan. He makes some unusual friends on his journey, and eventually returns home and saves the day by using his glowing red nose to guide Santa's sleigh on a foggy Christmas Eve night.

During his travels, Rudolph and two of his friends, Yukon and Hermey, accidentally land on The Island of Misfit Toys. The island is the home of toys that no boys or girls want ... toys that have some sort of flaw ... they either don't work the same way or look like the other toys do. Rudolph sneaks off the island during the night, feeling as though he doesn't fit even on an island of misfits. Eventually Santa rescues the misfit toys, the abominable gets his tooth pulled, Rudolph falls in love ... you should watch the show ... even in the middle of summer, it's a great way to spend an hour.

As I was walking this afternoon, I found myself thinking about Rudolph ... about feeling like the only answer to your struggles is to run away. And even more, I found myself thinking about The Island of Misfit Toys ... a place for those that don't fit anywhere else. I understand how those misfit toys felt ... I completely understand. I told someone just yesterday that I don't fit anywhere anymore ... I'm too old to be young, and I'm too young to be old. I don't have grandchildren, so I don't fit with those who are grandparents. I'm not married, so I don't fit with those who are couples. My children are grown and out on their own, so I don't fit with those who still have kids at home. My list could go on ... I just simply don't fit anymore. And the hard part ... the really hard part ... is that this misfit place in my life is somewhere I've never been before ... I've always fit ... always.

So here's the thing, the lesson, what I believe God wants me to glean from my pondering about being a misfit, the reason that at the beginning of summer I'm thinking about a red-nosed reindeer and a bunch of unwanted toys on an island. Santa used Rudolph not in spite of his red nose but because of it ... Rudolph's biggest flaw became his greatest asset. Santa rescued the misfit toys from the island and found places for them to belong ... they eventually brought happiness to boys and girls and accomplished the purpose for which they were made.

I may not feel as though I fit anywhere anymore, Lord, but I know that it's when I'm at my weakest point that You are strong beyond measure. You know where I belong even when I don't ... You made me, red nose and broken parts and all. I'm a misfit, God, but I'm Your misfit ... Yours and Yours alone.

1 comment:

allie :^) said...

i tho't this was a beautiful tribute to that lovable little reindeer! :)

its just plain difficult to be different. even when we think of a noble reason for why it may be, its still a lonely place to be.

rem kermit the frog singing it isn't easy being green? :)