Friday, May 6, 2011

This Little Piggy

When my three kiddos were babies, I used to do the "This little piggy went to market" thing with them ... you know the one, where you wiggle their cute fat baby toes one at a time in rhythm with the poem that really makes no sense at all when you think about it. But many of us have chanted said poem to our little ones, regardless of the sensibility of it. I can still remember how my babies would squeal and giggle as I played with their toes and tickled their little feet. And I'm pretty sure that if I have grandbabies one day (hint, hint, hint, children of mine), I'll play the piggy toe game with them, too.

This week, I've thought a lot about things that I so easily have taken for granted down through the years ... things like babies, giggles, hugs, friendship, ice cream, puppies, houses, family ... too many things to list. And in particular this week, I've thought a lot about toes. Yes, toes. And how I've never really thought much about toes before ... except when I counted the ones on each of my children's feet the first minute I held them in my arms. Toes are just one of those things that are easily taken for granted. The way that God put our bodies together, though, with each part and cell playing its own special role ... He took nothing for granted when He made you and me ... not one little thing.

Feet are kind of a big deal if you have diabetes which is why almost every time I go to the doctor, I have to take off my shoes and socks and let her check my feet. And toes are an extra big deal ... over 85% of toe amputations are the result of complications from diabetes. I'm sure most of you are thinking, "What a gross subject for a blog." But if you're a loyal reader of this blog, you know I generally have a point ... most of the time anyway. One of the medications that was prescribed for my shoulder pain caused me to have some significant toe issues over the last week or so ... several of my toes have been numb, tingly and painful. And I've discovered that toes are a pretty important part of my body ... they affect my balance, my gait, my ability to stand. Thankfully, not all of my toes were affected, and once I stopped the offending medication and started a new one, the numbness seems to be slowly improving.

So what's my point? What has God taught me this week through my numb toes and achy feet? There are so many things in life that I've taken for granted ... refer to my partial listing earlier ... so many things that God has blessed me with that I've never thanked Him for or given Him the praise for that He so richly deserves. And I've gotten a good reminder this week that nothing that happens in my life is an accident ... that nothing in my life is outside of His sovereign power ... that every event, every moment, every circumstance is part of His ultimate plan for me.

As I close this post, I feel the need to whisper a prayer. Thank you, Lord, for toes. For toes that feel and support and move. Thank you, Lord, for the toes You gave to me ... all ten of them. And if it's OK with You, I'd like to keep them for a while.

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