Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cheese, Taffy, Soap and Love

It's been a while since I've been to visit my daughter and son-in-law in the town they live in about an hour and a half south of where I live. It's been a while ... actually, I haven't been to see them since last October ... the last time I was in their home was the day I went there to have that most serious conversation with them. As I drove there this morning, I couldn't help but think of something a friend has said to me many times since last fall ... "What a difference a day makes." Truer words have never been spoken ... what a difference one day really can make. I'll always remember that day in October, and I'll always remember it for one reason and one reason only ... love ... unconditional, unfailing love.

I think perhaps God meant for me to attend the church this morning that my son-in-law pastors ... I think perhaps He did. I don't think it was an accident that the first person I encountered when I walked into the sanctuary was a tiny person ... not a short adult, mind you, but a two-year-old little girl. This little gal had never seen me in her life, and yet she walked right up to me and reached out and touched my hand. I leaned over and chattered with her until someone more interesting to her appeared and off she went. My son-in-law Barrett greeted me with a warm hug and a kiss, and Meg beamed when she saw me and then made her way to give me a hug and kiss as well. Several other folks shook my hand or gave me a hug and welcomed me into their midst. I haven't been to church on Sunday morning, well, for quite a long time ... a long, long time ... and I must admit that I felt more than a bit out of place as I settled into my seat on the pew where Meghann always sits. But then ... then my daughter stepped into the row carrying that adorable tiny person who had touched my hand when I first arrived at church.

Those of you who read along with me know that I miss my granddaughter C.J. terribly. I want so badly to be able to hold her and play with her ... some days I just miss her so much. I think God knew this morning that a cute little girl sitting on my lap sticking a bottle of hand lotion under my nose and giggling as I scrunched up my face when the scent drifted into my nose would be like a soothing balm to my lonely Granny heart. Little Josie sat in my lap and grinned and laughed for several minutes, and though it was bittersweet for me as I thought of my C.J., I smiled and soaked in the pure joy of holding a little one ... a little one who was full of life and laughter and love.

Meghann sang a beautiful song before Barrett preached ... a song that made me cry, as I do almost every time I hear my daughter sing. It wasn't the song this morning that made me teary, it was all the memories that crashed into my mind as I watched and listened to my baby girl. Though she stood on the stage as a mature young woman, I saw her laying on my chest in the delivery room when she was born. I saw her in pink footie pajamas sliding down the stairs with her brother Bradley. I saw her standing on a chair making sugar cookies with my mom. I saw her sleeping on the couch with her beloved Cinnamon the wiener dog. I saw her all dressed up for senior prom. I saw her on her wedding day. I saw my daughter ... I saw my daughter in a completely different way than all the people sitting in the church this morning saw her ... I saw my baby girl ... my only daughter ... my beautiful baby girl who has become a beautiful young woman.

I have said since the first time I heard him preach that Barrett is one of the best preachers I've ever heard. He preaches straight from the Bible, something that many ministers have foregone in today's world. His sermons always speak to me, and this morning was no exception. The text for his message was Matthew 23:1-12, an interesting passage to say the least ... one that you should read and ponder on for a while. Jesus was kind of railing on the religious leaders and warning the people not to become hypocritical in their faith. I had never really thought much about the truth contained in those verses, but Barrett's insight into a couple of them in particular has made me think off and on all day about how many times I've missed the lesson that Jesus was trying to impart ... to the religious leaders of the day, yes, but to me as well. Being a follower of Jesus Christ isn't about the robes we wear or the length of the tassels on those robes ... it's not about how well we dress or the size of the Bible we carry or the amount of good deeds we do or how much money we toss into the offering plate. Being a follower of Jesus Christ ... a real follower ... isn't about how others see us on the outside, it's about how God sees us on the inside. 

To the mom of the little gal on my lap this morning, thank you for sharing your little one with me today ... it meant more than you will ever know. To you, Meg ... I love you so very much, baby girl, and I'm so proud of who you are and what you are doing. To you, Barrett ... you touched my soul today, young man, in a big way ... I love you, son-in-law, I truly do. Thank you for the way you love my daughter, the way you love God, and the way you love me. Today was a good day ... I went to church, ate lunch at the local diner and paid a visit to the coolest store ever where my kids bought me cheese, taffy and soap. Today was a good day ... today was a day of love, laughter and living. Cheese, taffy, soap and love ... it doesn't get much better, friends ... it doesn't get much better.

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