Sunday, May 19, 2013

It Strikes Me As God

First ... I hate, despise, loathe, detest and all the other strong emotional words that don't really even come close to adequately conveying exactly how much I DO NOT LIKE stormy weather. Two days in a row of being under a tornado watch is almost more than my old ticker can stand, especially when you add in the fact that I still don't feel well and that the thunder and lightning woke me up at 3:00 a.m. and scared the crap out of me. Now that I've said that, on with my post for tonight.

As many of you have comically, kindly, jokingly and affectionately pointed out to me over the course of the last five years since I penned the first post for this blog, I have certain words and phrases that I use a lot when I write. I suppose you could look at that two different ways, you know ... my vocabulary is rather limited, or those well-used words and phrases have become sort of a trademark for me. If you happen not to already know the answer, I'll give you a hint ... it's the latter. Not the ladder, mind you, the latter.

One of those trademark phrases of mine is, "It strikes me as odd," because ... well ... because a lot of things strike me as odd these days, I guess. Things like when a bunch of people say the same thing to me within a short span of time. Not things like, "Your shirt is ugly," or "You're getting too skinny," or "Is your hair crunchy?" or even "You've got such a kind heart." No, I'm talking about things like, "God has a plan for you," or "You have a calling," or "You need to listen to what He is telling you to do," or even "This is so much bigger than you." You'd better believe it strikes me as odd when a whole lot of people say those things to me ... and they keep on saying them, even when I tell them they are wrong. 

Recently, I was emailing back and forth with a friend one evening, and I wrote the words, "It does strike me as rather odd that you all three are saying the same things ... rather odd indeed." My friend replied so quickly that I marveled at her typing skills, and I will now never again type or utter the words, "It strikes me as odd," without thinking about what she said.

"Strike you as odd??? You are hilarious!! Shouldn't it be, 'strike you as God?'  :)"

Maybe it should, friend ... maybe it should indeed.

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