Friday, May 10, 2013

Out With a Bang

Let's get one thing out of the way right up front tonight ... I started a new medication a couple of days ago, and I feel cruddy. I'm not sure which hurts worse, my stomach or my head. Doesn't really matter, though, cause I just feel pretty darn lousy. And when I feel bad, I tend to lose my filters and say what I think. So, having given you fair warning, here goes.

A lot of you have written and asked about the article I mentioned in my post titled "Faith Redefined." You've asked about the magazine. You've asked about the article. You've asked about whether I've decided to become a regular contributor to the magazine. You've asked why I haven't posted the link to the article here in my blog. You've asked so many questions, and I feel so incredibly terrible tonight that I'm going to post the link and let you read some of the answers for yourself. However, I do want to state a couple of things first with the hope that those of you who feel the need to send me hateful messages will choose not to this time around if for no other reason than that I feel like dog poop

The magazine is a faith-based publication, yes. But it's one of "those kinds" of publications as well. So, if you don't want to read the article because of that, don't read it. In fact, if you don't want to read my blogs, don't read them. That's something I will never understand ... why do those of you who hate me so much continue to read my blogs and then send me not-so-nice messages? I simply do not get that ... sorry, but I don't get that at all. And if me saying that makes you angry, sorry about that, too. Many of the people I thought were my friends have already checked out, so losing some readers who don't like me ... well ... that will be like a walk in the park compared to losing people whom I truly cared about and whom I thought truly cared about me. Again, sorry, but that's just the way I feel.

So, for those of you who want to read it, here's the link to the article, and for those of you who don't ... sleep well, and take good care. Oh, and for all of you, readers and non-readers alike, remember this ... life really is pretty darned short ... too short to hate each other or be mean to each other or gossip about each other or judge each other or anything even remotely related to any of those things. So short that when I feel better, I think I'll choose to love and laugh and live ... I think I will indeed.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

My dear friend, I'm one of those friends that got caught up in her own life and didn't check in on you. I'm checking in on you now. First of all, I'm proud of you, and I will stand with you anywhere, anytime and claim you as my friend. Dispelling hate (which I believe is an emotion covering fear) is a challenge. Sometimes our energies drop down when we are battling something. Its a good time to be with God and heal. In my experience, that's an opportunity to come back stronger than before to do God's work, dispelling fear and hate. Yours and theirs. It may not seem like it right now because you're feeling cruddy, but you are doing phenomenal work!