Friday, December 27, 2013

A Night to Remember

Today is my 54th birthday ... a day that began with a rousing rendition of the happy birthday song from my daughter, son-in-law, niece and great niece via Skype followed by an amazing egg creation by my daughter-in-law for breakfast. My sweet little C.J. told me "Happy birday, Ghee!" several times throughout the day, and Brad and Shelby sent me their own special style of birthday glee. I received a ton of happy birthday messages on Facebook and in emails, and I got an extra-special birthday call from a dear friend who lives in Calgary.

Today is also Boxing Day in Canada, a day of super sales in many of the stores in Canada ... think Black Friday in the U.S. and multiply the frenzy by about a gazillion. Matt, Becca, C.J. and I ventured out this afternoon to do a little shopping, and it took us almost an hour just to get out of the parking lot at the mall. Matt and I had planned to go to a movie together tonight to celebrate my birthday, but we both heartily agreed that the last thing we wanted to do was fight the traffic again. So we did something else ... something absolutely wonderful ... something I will never ever forget. 

After dinner and bedtime stories for C.J., Matt and I donned our coats, hats and gloves and ventured out for a long walk down the main street near where they live. Our steps were careful and deliberate because the sidewalks are "slippy" as C.J. would say, and I'm more than a little cautious following my "Ghee fall down" ice crash the day after I got here. The street was quieter than usual, and many of the shops had already closed for the day. Matt took me in a vintage shop, and I told him stories about my childhood days as certain items in the store would spark memories for me. We stopped at a resale bookstore, and I listened as Matt talked about how many books he reads and the ones he loves most. I told him how proud I am of him ... of the father and husband he is ... of the son he is ... of the man he is. 

As we made our way back to his home, Matt offered his arm for me to hold so that I could steady myself as we walked. The Christmas lights in the trees along the street glistened against the snow-covered buildings ... it looked and felt almost like a magical scene from a movie. We walked along slowly, my hand tucked safely inside my son's arm, talking about so many different things ... and it was without question one of the sweetest times I've ever had with my son. A night to remember, friends ... a very special birthday night to forever remember ... a night to remember indeed. 

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