Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Super Freak

As I typed the words for the title of this post, I instantly thought about the movie Little Miss Sunshine, a quirky film that became a pretty big hit while teaching some valuable lessons on the importance of acceptance, of the ties of family, of the brevity of life. For those of you who have seen the movie, you know why my title made me think of the movie ... that's the song that Olive (and her family) dance to for her talent part in the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant. And, they dance to the song after the head of the pageant (a mean, snippy old gal) tries to have Olive removed from the stage because she's different ... not playing by the Little Miss Sunshine "rules" ... oh, my ... I definitely feel an entire post about the lessons from this film swirling around in my brain. But for now, I have a few things to say about my descent into the land of "super freakdom" for the last few days.

Let me preface my comments by saying that I've never been one to freak out over house stuff, at least not like I have this week. I might have gotten worked up over the money it cost to fix something, but I don't think I've ever had an over-the-top fear consume me like it has since Sunday night. I've mentioned before that I have a leaky basement; actually, it's been more of a seepy basement from a spot on the wall. Saturday when I was downstairs doing laundry, I noticed a crack on the basement floor. When I started looking at that crack, I saw another crack and then another and another. Then I started looking at the walls and saw several cracks on them. It concerned me and I thought to myself, I probably should get someone out here to check this out. I didn't think about it a lot more until ... oh ... 4:00 a.m. Monday morning when I woke up completely freaking out about the cracks in my basement. And that's when I went to super freakdom land, and I've been stuck there ever since.

As I lay in my bed, I quickly became convinced that one of two things was going to happen ... my house was going to cave in or the cracks in the floor would shift my gas furnace and cause it to explode. And the more those thoughts ran through my mind, the more logical and rational they became. And the more logical and rational they became, the more freaked out I got. And the more freaked out I got over those two possibilities, the more freaked out I got over whether my basement could be fixed and how much it might cost and where I would get the money and my house caving in or exploding and ... well, you get the idea. I've been stuck in an infinite loop of super freakdom. To the point that last night, I woke up thinking that I had seen cracks in my garage so I went out to check and stood there for quite a while pondering whether or not I should back my car out to the driveway ... since of course my car was going to fall through the garage floor into the basement (even though I knew that my garage isn't even over the basement). I'm quite certain that my irrational thinking is fueled in part by the fact that I haven't slept much since Sunday.

So ... after talking with several people at work yesterday and today, the general consensus is that I'm crazy and that I should go to bed and get some sleep. And that my house isn't going to crumble or explode while I'm at work and send Julie and Ollie to doggie heaven. And that it may not require huge machinery lifting my house off the foundation to install piers all around it and cost a million dollars. I listened to what they had to say, told myself they were correct, and then immediately went to the basement when I got home to make sure nothing else had happened while I was gone today ... OK, I'm willing to admit they may be right and I may be crazy. But when the foundation repair guys come out here next week to check my basement and tell me that my house is going to cave in or explode and that I need to park my car on the driveway so it doesn't fall through the garage or that my tub is going to fall through the floor while I'm taking a shower ... oh, wait, forget that last one ... when the pros tell me all those things, who will be crazy then?

Go ahead, sing it with me ... She's a super freak, super freak. 

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