Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Good News, Bad News

Good news: I got to spend the entire day taking care of my granddaughter (with a lot of help from her Uncle Brad).
Bad news: Matt and Becca have been very sick.

Good news: After an ambulance ride to the hospital last night and 5 or 6 bags of IV fluids, Matt is feeling much better tonight.
Bad news: He doesn't like needles, and they stuck him more than a time or two last night.

Good news: Brad, C.J. and I are still healthy.
Bad news: There's not any bad news to follow that good news.

Good news: I probably walked 10 miles today with Brad.
Bad news: I've lost weight since I've been here, and my pants won't stay up.
More good news: Thankfully, I brought suspenders.

Good news: Brad Googled how to change a diaper last night in case he needed to take care of C.J. by himself. 
Bad news: He hasn't changed one yet.

Good news: I'm super tired from chasing the baby girl all day, and I'm going to bed.
Bad news: Nope, I've got nothing ... good night.