Saturday, April 20, 2013

Monumentally Momentous Moments

Alliteration is defined as the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence, often used in poetry ... or in the title of my post tonight. Those of you who are wordsmiths will probably readily agree that employing alliteration effectively when you write is no easy task. It's simple to pen the words "silly skiing squirrels," but to pen words that evoke emotion such as "her harsh, hate-filled heart" is much more difficult. I have a tremendous amount of respect for gifted writers who can paint pristine pictures with words that cause readers to not only read them but to feel those words as well. Yep, yep, yep ... I will always appreciate the art of alliteration. Now to explain my tremendously terrific title for tonight's post ... and yes, just in case you are wondering, I am indeed a gloriously gifted guru when it comes to alliteration.

Monumentally momentous moments ... I've had way more than a smattering of those over the last few days, some that were amazingly good and profound, and others not so much. I had one when the weather guys said we were under a tornado watch (long-time readers may go straight to my basement fort and recline there with me). I had one as I glanced through another batch of hate mail. I had one when a little kid on the trail ran up to me and hugged me. I had one when I woke up with a big chip on my shoulder and very low blood sugar on Monday morning. I had one when I read a message from a young man telling me that his sister had seen our video in one of her classes at college. I had one this morning as I ate breakfast and listened to the heartfelt story of someone who is working diligently to bring about change in the world. I had one when my old dog Julie placed her head in my lap and thumped her tail as she looked up at me with her golden eyes. I had one when Ollie peed on a person's shoe who stopped to chat as we were out for our evening walk ... seriously, Ollie, what the heck??? I had one at work yesterday when a friend made a very difficult endeavor easier by first making me laugh and then doing it with me. I had one last night as tears filled my eyes as I listened to someone speak about horrible child abuse. I had one when my daughter Meg texted me about the Mother's Day walk we are going to participate in together in a few weeks. I had one when my son Brad told me how proud he is that I'm his mom and how thankful he is that I'm here for him to tell me. I had one when I Skyped with Matt, Becca and Coraline this afternoon and my granddaughter waved goodbye to me.

Monumentally momentous moments ... there are moments in life that define me, moments that determine me, moments that devour me and moments that deliver me. There are moments that silence me, moments that surprise me, moments that stun me and moments that speak to me. There are moments that cause me to weep, moments that cause me to wonder, moments that cause me to worship and moments that cause me to waver. There are moments that teach me, moments that try me, moments that trouble me and moments that tug me. There are moments when I understand, moments when I undo, moments when I underestimate and moments when I unveil. There are moments when I know love, moments when I know laughter, moments when I know languish and moments when I know life. There are moments when I see goodness, moments when I see grace, moments when I see giving and moments when I see God.

I realized today that I've been conditioned to look for the giant lessons in life in big events, or even in a series of big events. But that's not where the greatest truths are found, friends ... the greatest truths come in the monumentally momentous moments ... they really, really, really do.  

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