Thursday, March 7, 2013

If He Chooses

So ... remember when I said in the Ears Wide Open? post that I hoped I didn't jinx myself by saying that I hadn't had an ear infection yet this year? Yep, well, I totally jinxed myself and I've got an ear infection. I left work a little early to visit my doctor, and she confirmed that the pain in my ear was more than just the standard ache that is always there. So, I'm snuggled on my couch with two sleeping dogs, my laptop, a mug of decaf coffee with cinnamon and one of those sand thingys that you can either stash in the freezer or throw in the microwave (microwaved warmth for my achy ear tonight, please).

I'm not really sure how long my doctor has been my doctor, but I know it's been a really long time ... a really long time. Not only do I know her pretty darn well, I also know quite a few of the folks who work in her office. If you've been reading along with me for any length of time, you know that I've spent a fair amount of time in my doctor's office over the last three years. My doctor and her staff have seen me at my worst physically for sure, but even more, they've seen me in the depths of depression so severe that it almost killed me. And here's the amazing thing about that last statement ... they've seen me at my worst, at my darkest, and they ... did ... not ... give ... up ... hope ... that ... I ... would ... live.

My doctor had asked me to send her the link to our Ears Wide Open? video when it was finished, and I finally remembered to send it to her a day or two ago. When I called today to see if I could get in to see her after work, the young gal who answered the phone immediately began telling me that she had seen our video. And when I got to the doctor's office, one after another, the nurses and folks who work in the office came and hugged me. Several of them told me their own stories of family members or friends ... I was so moved by their depth of feeling and emotion ... so very moved. And when my doctor came into the room, she told me about a man who is in a very dark place in his life. She said she showed him our video this morning ... she said, "I want you to know that your video spoke to him in a way that nothing else has ... I want you to know that your story is going to impact and help more people than you will ever know." And yes, of course I cried ... of course I did.

You know there's a lesson in my experiences at my doctor's office today ... you know there is. When I left the doctor's office this evening, I knew it, I felt it, I believed it. What happened at the office this evening was powerful, way more powerful than a video. God showed me that He can use any person or anything He chooses to work in another person's life. 

If He chooses, friends ... if God chooses, He can even use such an unworthy gal as me. He can take the garbage of my life, if He chooses ... if God chooses, He can take that garbage and use it to draw others to Him.

If He chooses ... if He chooses ... if He chooses.   

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