Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tweet Tweet Tweet

I have a couple of friends at work who are terrified of birds. And every now and again, a bird will get in our building. And when that happens, those two gals are scared to death ... in fact, now that I think about it, their fear of birds ranks up there pretty closely to my fear of airplanes and storms and grass. OK ... maybe not, but they are really afraid of birds. And one of them in particular is especially petrified with fear if the bird makes noise ... you know, if it chirps or caws or ... well ... tweets. Now while I'm not overly fond of winged creatures myself, I can honestly say that tweeting birds in our building don't make me pack up my things and go home or sit at my desk with a blanket over my head so that the bird can't swoop down and peck my eyeballs out. Amazing, isn't it? I'm not afraid of birds, at least not yet anyway.

I'm sure by now you are wondering why in the world I began this post talking about tweeting birds and fear. Those of you who've been reading along with me know that going to The Ellen Show is something I would really love to do. I think the way she helps people is amazing and inspiring ... she doesn't just talk about helping people, she puts her money where her mouth is and really helps them. I'm sure that now you're wondering what in the world Ellen has to do with tweeting birds and fear. So here's the deal ... one of the women I work with is related to someone who works in Los Angeles as a producer for a television show. And he, in turn, knows someone who works on The Ellen Show. Yep, The Ellen Show. And he sent our video, Ears Wide Open?, to the someone he knows who works for Ellen. And she told him that we needed to enlist everyone we know to tweet the link to the video to Ellen. I guess Ellen is a really, really, really big fan of Twitter and reads many of the tweets she receives herself and often selects guests based on Twitter messages. So if you have a Twitter account, and if you wouldn't mind, those of us involved with Ears Wide Open? would like to ask you to tweet Ellen ... @TheEllenShow ... and tell her I will wear my favorite suspenders and shiny shoes if I can come to her show. And maybe tweet the link to the video as well. Tweet, tweet, tweet away, friends!

As to where fear plays into all of this ... I just bought a plane ticket to go to Canada to see my granddaughter (and my son and daughter-in-law) in a few weeks. There's got to be a connection with the rest of this post in there somewhere, right? Birds and planes both fly in the sky, after all. I think I need to take a valium and go to bed. In my bed. On the ground. Not in a plane. Up in the sky. Sheesh. I'm going to Canada. In a plane. And you know what? When I get there, provided of course that I don't die in the plane, I'm going to kiss her sweet little face and read to her and play with her and chase her and feed her and kiss her sweet little toes and tickle her tummy and give her a bath and cuddle her and rock her and laugh with her and cry when I have to leave her. I'm going to be her granny and do what grannies do ... I'm going to love her to pieces. I'd say she's worth getting on a plane for ... yep, I sure would.  

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