Monday, March 18, 2013

Not Tonight, Dear

When I was younger, I got migraine headaches a lot. So much so, in fact, that the doctors thought there was something seriously wrong inside my head because they didn't know much about migraines back then. I've written before about the ways Mom used to try to help stop the pain inside my head, bless her heart ... I never understood that my pain caused her to hurt until I had children of my own. Now I understand that Mom would have willingly taken all of my pain upon herself if she could have just so that I didn't have to hurt. I think that's true for most of us as parents ... we'd much rather hurt ourselves than see our kiddos have to endure any kind of pain. 

I don't get headaches often anymore, not even just regular run-of-the-mill headaches, and I can't remember when I've had a migraine. But I've had a dull, throbbing headache for the last two and a half days ... one of those headaches that isn't severe enough to keep me from going about my daily routine, but it's just bad enough to make me crankly and cause me to feel sort of cruddy. 

We all know the jokes about "Not tonight, dear ... I have a headache," and we all know what those jokes are in reference to. And yes, I know I just ended a sentence with a preposition. And shame on you for thinking this post was going to be about sex. I'm going to employ the words from the jokes in a different manner tonight in regard to my post. This is all you get tonight, because my head hurts. And it hurts enough to make my brain feel mushy and void of the necessary spark I need in order to be eloquent or to wax philosophical in the wording of this post.

Hopefully, by tomorrow evening, my headache will have disappeared and I'll write a real post. But not tonight, dear ... I have a headache.   


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