Saturday, March 30, 2013

No More High Blogging and Achy Guts

First, I want to assure those of you who've messaged me since yesterday that I only took the prescribed amount of Xanax before I climbed onto the airplane in Kansas City. Actually, I ended up only taking half of the dose my doctor told me to, and boy, oh, boy, am I glad I did. When I went back and read my post from yesterday that I wrote on the plane ... yep, I'm sure glad I didn't take the full dose. I can only imagine what I might have said or done if I had ... actually, my guess is they would have never let me on the plane.

So ... many of you have messaged me asking how my first flying experience in 23 years went. And here's the short answer: It wasn't terrible, but it also would not rank up there with one of my top-ten things I'd like to do more often either. The airport security check wasn't really too bad at all, except that my suspenders (which I offered to take off, by the way) caused me to have to be searched by one of the guards. Brad and I really had to hoof it to make our connecting flight in Minneapolis, but we got to the gate in time for me to post my crazy "in the clouds" blog yesterday before we boarded our second plane of the day. Customs here in Canada was a breeze; the only thing they asked me was if I had any medications. I smiled and said, "Yep, I sure do, sir." He smiled back and said, "Anything illegal? What is your medication used to treat?" I said diabetes, he said okay, and that was that. Well, except for the totally cool drug search dog who came over and sniffed my suitcase.

Matt was waiting for Brad and I after we exited customs, and I'm not even going to attempt to put into words how good it was to see my son for the first time in nine months. Suffice it to say that we hugged for a good long while. Matt and Brad chatted as we walked to the car, and Matt gave us a short rundown on Canada life as he drove us back to where he and Becca and C.J. live. They had decided that Becca would stay home with C.J. and let her nap while Matt came to get me and Brad at the airport so that she would be fresh and happy when we arrived. And again, I'm not even going to attempt to put into words the emotion that flooded my heart when I sat on the couch and held my precious little granddaughter for the first time in way too long. Suffice it to say that she is amazing, simply amazing, and I can't believe how incredibly smart she is ... of course she is smart, most geniuses are.

Other than having an upset stomach that's been with me since I arrived, I'm having a great time and soaking in as much baby love as I can. I'll give you a better recounting when my gut stops aching of what we've been doing in another post . But for tonight, I'm going to try to get some sleep and hope that by morning my stomach feels better. And I promise those posts will not come from High Terrie, but from Terrie whose feet are planted firmly on the ground. Promise.

Sleep well, friends.


1 comment:

Prekelicious said...

Oh I loved it. :) Glad you are enjoying your visit.